Thursday, April 29, 2010

a Political Success

Candidates Gone Wild photo from Willamette Week.

Stacey and I have had a busy few weeks. We're doing our best staying on top of it all, but if it takes a little while for us to get back to you on anything - we apologize.
This past Monday night we performed with Willamette Week's CANDIDATES GONE WILD show. We wrote a speech and song for Sarah Palin to sing (Stacey playing Sarah Palin) and participated in a Cop Training sketch written by fellow Portland sketch comedians LiveWire! The review and image above can be read/seen here:
It was a very fun show to be a part of and we're happy we got asked by WW and Courtnay from LiveWire! to participate in the show.
Here I am in the greenroom w/ Sarah Palin. This is taken through the mirror, which is why it looks so weird.

This coming weekend closes our sketch show called Sock It To Me and next weekend Stacey and I will be opening our (mostly)new 2 person show under the Jean Louis moniker. We don't have a lot of time to get the show up and running, so we're going to be a little out of contact (hopefully) focusing on our show.

We also just signed on our house, so as far as I know - we're homeowners. We'll be moving into it in a couple weeks.

more to come...

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