Monday, May 19, 2008


Yesterday Stacey and I trekked to Portland's waterfront to see Presidential hopeful Barack Obama speak to an estimated crowd of 75,000 people. It was a warm day (upper 80's) and the two of us have the red arms / necks to prove the sun was out. The speech was pretty darn good. He made a lot of promises I'll be interested to see if they come true (Universal health care in his first term?)...

While I'm not much of a political person, I enjoy Barack Obama's personality. Of all presidential candidates (and presidents) over the past 20 years - he seems the most real. While Bill Clinton had some charm, he still seems like a stiff old(er) man with puppet strings the right (rich) people could pull. Barack Obama doesn't seem to have that type of personality. He seems real and he hopefully keeps that up as he moves into the white house.

On the way home we were trying to come up with some Tshirt slogans that would sell. Most of them were terribly offensive, but we're trying to be funny. Some highlights:

A snapshot of Barack Obama with Dee Snider (of Twister Sister): I Want Barack!

A picture of Barack Obama with the Wayans brothers with the caption: Mo'Bama, Mo'Bama, Mo'Bama!!!

A picture of the white house with the caption: Barack Obama - Lets us white folks give this black man a job!

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