Saturday, May 10, 2008

Portland Things

I haven't talked about how great Portland is in a while...
This is the tree our bedroom window faces. The flowers on the tree are pink. It's like Stacey's Princess Fantasy every morning.
Speaking of the bedroom...
There's are cute little guy Arlo on the bed. He really is the smartest, cutest and best almost-two-year-old dog in the world.

This is my favorite street sign I have found in Portland. In NorthWest Portland there is a trolly that drives around. There are also a lot of bicycle riders commuting around the city. Here's is our friend "fuck-up guy" showing bicycle riders what not to do around the trolly tracks.

And finally, a slightly out of focus picture of the ring Stacey is now wearing...


Matt said...

These pics just make my heart sing.

Natalie said...

Pretty pictures, Bob.

So I'm on the edge of my seat...what do you think of the new Death Cab album??