Thursday, May 15, 2008

Scarlett JoJo & the Hobo Ghost

I have had Scarlett Johansson's debut album Anywhere I Lay My Head for a few weeks now. After my first listen I did not like it. A day later I forced myself to listen to it again and I've slowly fallen in love with it.
I put a little research in and found that David Sitek (producer and member of TV On The Radio) dubbed the sound of the album "Tinkerbell on Cough Syrup" - which is perfect... especially in this song:

Green Grass. One of my favorite songs on the album. You can certainly hear the TVOTR-style production - and while Scarlett Johansson doesn't have the greatest voice, it certainly fits in with the production around it. At times the voice is buried under reverb and effects, but what more would you expect from a Tom Waits cover album?

Full review here:
Anywhere I Lay My Head

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