Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The NorthWest Rain

Even the statues around Portland carry umbrellas. The weirdest thing about this statue (other than the nice watch on his wrist) is that this figure is facing Pioneer Square (the street is behind him). Pioneer Square is kind of a central plaza in downtown Portland. He's not hailing a cab on the street - he's hailing the homeless sitting around Pioneer Square. Weird.

It's been grey since the day before my birthday. Welcome to 31, I guess.
I've made a new goal to write something every day. Not a blog post, but write a review, or a sketch, or some good idea - something. Write at least one thing every day. Hopefully that will last.

1 comment:

Nate Smith said...

That's an awesome goal. Originally the goal for my blog was simply to write one funny thing a day. There were no more rules than that, and I didn't even want people to know about it. And now, 2 years later...I get 26 viewers a day! It's really taking off!