Sunday, September 19, 2010

Lons Le Saunier

We took two trains for a total of just over three hours Southeast from Paris. We are maybe 60 miles from Geneva? Something like that. It is a small town that is home to La Vache Qui Rit (Laughing Cow Cheese). We set up the Character camp at Le Maison de la Vache Qui Rit this morning. I'm pretty sure it's the whole reason this town exists. Yesterday, when going from the local train depot to our hotel we asked a depot employee, the guy at a pizza place and our cab driver all "What is there to do in this town?" The most popular answer was "Pfffftttt!" Bonne Chance. The second most popular answer was Masion de La Vache Qui Rit - so luckily that's where camp is.
It is a beautiful French village with a lot of charm, narrow roads and nothing to do. We are staying at Hotel de Parenthese. The Parentheses Hotel... I think they're waiting for something exiting to put between the parentheses...

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