Sunday, March 2, 2008

Rockabye Baby!

There is a label / collection of people known as Rockabye Baby who have a series of cover albums out. They take some of their favorite bands and recreate their songs for children. They turn the songs you know and love into playful, almost creepy playtime tunes. They say the songs are turned into lullabies for children. Everyone from Coldplay (which is almost lullibied to begin with) to Led Zepplin gets the treatment. Here is one of my favorites.

tell me that's not creepy.

We went out to see Michel Gondry's Be Kind Rewind last night. M'eh. The idea behind the movie is creative, but the creativity found in every other Gondry film was not there. This movie just seems 10 years too late. Not because it all deals with VHS, but everything about it. Even the film quality made it look a little older. I'm guessing that was on purpose. Jack Black wasn't as terrible as I was expecting - probably because all the acting in the movie was half-assed by everyone (nice cameo, Sigorny Weaver). I don't know what's happening to Michel Gondry, but it seems his films are going downhill. Boo.

though, I did just find a "sweded" version Michel Gondry did of the trailer to the movie he made.
If you haven't seen the movie, "sweded" means he has made the movie (trailer) by himself.

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