Tuesday, December 2, 2008

December already

Slow moving after eating too much, sorry for the lack of updates.
Thanksgiving was great. We had a great li'l party at the theater with good friends. Good times. We decided to take the weekend off from the theater and see our friend Jason who is in the circus! We had to travel to McMinnville, which is a tiny town SoutWest of Portland. Apparently, McMinnville was looking for a different type of event to hold for their holiday celebration weekend, so they called upon the Squirm Burpee Circus. Here's Stacey waiting for the show to start.
Not just any circus, but the Squirm Burpee Circus & the HAND SOME DEV ILL SSS.... It was an amazing show. Jason was great as the "villain" who wants to shut down the show, Baron Vegan VonHamburger. If these guys tour through your town, do yourself a favor and check out the show!
This past Sunday we opened our new Family Holiday show called FRUITCAKE! to a huge crowd. The Oregonian was there, so hopefully we'll have a review in a newspaper soon.
Sunday night brought out our new event, the COLLEGE CAGEMATCH, where we invited all the local college improv teams to play. It was a great success!

I haven't posted a lot of video of Arlo. This was taken with my phone, so beware the quality, but isn't he the cutest?


Unknown said...

Hey Bob,

It's Robbio from Chicago. I've been working in Miami in the film industry here, and will be moving to LA in January. I hope to swing by Portland to catch a show at your theatre on my way out West. I've been telling everyone I know around there about it. Been digging your mix tapes. Some good music has been arriving down here too, with a wild show from Matt and Kim last night for Art Basel. Keep up the great work!

blob bladewig said...

Thanks, Robbio.
Let me know when you plan on swinging through town. We'll have to meet up!