Monday, May 25, 2009

My Birthday

This Tuesday is my 32nd birthday. I guess I never would have thought at 32 I'd be living in Portland Oregon, working at a coffee shop and helping to run a comedy theater with a great lady and the best dog on earth. It's weird. Guess I have never been much of a goal setter, so who knows? Maybe I would have set this goal ten years ago..? I tried to make 2009 the year I make 100 thousand dollars. I set that goal after I looked at my taxes and my income history (sheesh). I thought I should step it up a notch, but this economy is not allowing me to do so. I still have a few ideas and the year isn't yet half over, so there's time. I'm going to set a goal of getting this TV pilot formatted correctly and submitted somewhere (good luck, seeing as how I have no idea where to begin on that road). I feel it's a strong sitcom format that could be successful and should be made.

So - here's the first (of two) birthday mixtapes I've created for myself. It's a collection of 40 of my most favorite songs, most of which I've been putting on all my mixtapes over the years - so don't be surprised if you already have these songs.
download the:I'm 32 and I can re-compile as many songs as I damn well please mix.
Birthday Mix number 1:
Ramones - do you remember rock 'n roll radio
Bright Eyes - the calendar hung itself
Modest Mouse - doin' the cockroach
John Vanderslice - keep the dream alive
Elliott Smith - baby britain
Holly Golightly - black night
the Magnetic Fields - strange powers
the Pixies - dig for fire
Pedro the Lion - bad diary days
the Make*Up - don't step on the children
Beauty Pill - the cigarette girl from the future
Dirty Projectors - rise above
the Kinks - wicked anabella
the Walkmen - we've been had
Grizzly Bear - blackcurrant jam
Tom Waits - green grass
the National - guest room
the Promise Ring - best looking boys
David Bowie - queen bitch
Wolf Parade - I'll believe in anything

I could listen to these songs over and over forever. Different reasons all around, but overall - they're just great songs. Plus - it's my birthday so I can do what I want.

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