Saturday, April 26, 2008

the Last Shadow Puppets

Pitchfork has given this album a 7.7
My review:
The Last Shadow Puppets

The Age of the Understatement 8.9/10
Arctic Monkey-boy Alex Turner and friend Miles Kane (of a UK group called the Rascals) have formed a side project called the Last Shadow Puppets. Their mod- throwback 1960's cinematic soundtrack could score any/every James Bond rip-off movie from the mid-to-late 70's. Seriously inspired by Ennio Morricone, this album - along with its vintage spy guitar licks contains the string section to the London Symphony Orchestra conducted by Final Fantasy's Owen Pallett. That along with a lot of other guests and producers have concocted fast paced, enjoyable record that sounds a lot more complex than your usual thrown-together side project.
Full review: the age of the understatement
Even the video for their first single looks like it cost a pretty penny.

I've always been a fan of cinematic music. Listening to this album makes me feel like I'm watching the coolest 70's noir spy movie that was ever made.

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