Wednesday, July 9, 2008

BFFs Arlo & Frances

Arlo has made a new friend a few blocks away.
Sure, sometimes it's hard to tell whether or not Frances really sees Arlo as a friend... but he doesn't swat or hiss at him when we come walking by. Arlo has been interested in all the cats in the neighborhood, but has been getting the cold shoulder for a long time. I'm glad to see him get up the cajones to finally approach a cat and sniff friendly.
Who knows, maybe someday soon the two of them will make lunch dates or slumberparties and they can have giddy talks about girls and watch Meatballs on DVD!
Not right away, but give it some time.

1 comment:

Missa said...

is that what boys did at slumber parties? manicures and tickle fights sound more fun to me.