Monday, July 7, 2008

Busy Weekend

My Father and step mother came to town this weekend. I had a great time showing them around my new town - and experiencing things for the first time myself. We went to the Blues Fest to see CANNED HEAT!
(that's them waaay back there on the stage).
Then we spent an afternoon at the Rose Garden
which is a pretty amazing and beautiful place, even two months after the prime bloom time (April/May).
Sunday morning we brought Arlo to the Mt. Tabor dog park
Where Arlo got to play with many different dogs, particularly a precious little French Bulldog named Addie: As well as this dopey li'l Pug: It was a great, busy weekend. It's always nice to see my Dad and Shirley. Plus we took them to our theater space and showed them our plans for the build out. Things are happening fast on that end, so it was nice to take a little time out over this weekend and enjoy our city.

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