Monday, September 22, 2008

I miss sleep

All the work it takes opening a theater has really taken its toll on me. From Thursday to today I have put in around 45 hours in that space painting, cleaning, priming, eating and everything else. Just an hour ago I woke up to paramedics waking me up in my bed. Stacey called them to help revive me, as my blood sugar dropped pretty low - mainly due to the amount of work I have been doing. I need to remember to take care of myself. If I don't, why am I putting in all this work? I just need to remember to slow down a bit. There are plenty of people around helping with the theater. Realize that working a part time job, directing a show, coaching an improv group, writing and rehearsing another sketch show, performing in an improv group and opening a sketch comedy theater is all in a days (or weeks rather) work.
Every once in a while it's okay to take time to sit down and look out the window at all the things happening around you. All the things that are keeping you going are there for a reason. Appreciate these things.

1 comment:

Missa said...

scary for Stacey. Glad you're ok. a coma is not an acceptable alternative for sleep.