Monday, November 9, 2009

Day 1 in the office

We had our first day in the Ubisoft office discussing the new game. I think it all was 80% there. The two guys in charge have become friends of ours since the first time they flew us out here. They were great all day today... But there's a new guy on board who we still have to win over. I think he views us as a bit of competition and the main reason I feel this way is that - every time we mention one of our ideas (specifically an idea we were given the OK to develop) his first response is "Yeah, I thought about that one. I've been working on it for a while..." Boo. I don't think he's telling the truth 100% of the time. We'll see how this relationship blossoms over the next few days.

After our time in the office we went out for a bit of a shopping excursion just to breathe a little. This is the Galleries Lafayette near a giant, old Opera house. It was pretty incredible and pricey.
Across the street from Lafayette was a large store called Printemps (which I don't know the meaning of) that we walked around in for far too long. One funny thing though this name brand rack of clothes: yikes. On the other cross street was the store that was equal to an Asian Gap. This store did not belong anywhere in Paris, but maybe Tokyo. Just get a look at the front stairs walking in to this place. Even if you're not prone to seizures, you will get one if you stay on these stares any longer than the one minute you stop to wonder why in the world you're stepping into a store like this.
Finally - we met up with a friend of Amanda's name Manu and decided to eat at Amanda's favorite Paella place in Bastille. It was great (though a bit on the pricey side). For instance here's an image to my 5.50 Eur bottle of Coka Light. That's close to 10 American dollars. For a soda beverage. I will be sure to look at the prices on the menu BEFORE I order something again.
Hopefully a full nights rest will be had and we can tackle tomorrow as soon as we step into their office. We'll see how we do!

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