Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The full day off

After witnessing some Armistice activities I did some more writing and wondering around Paris. It was a pretty good day. I met up with Amanda for dinner. We went to a wonderful Italian restaurant that didn't cost 25 Euro a plate. It was a good trip. On the way there we past this crazy firehouse looking church: not just because there is a cop car in the front of it, this building looks like a giant version of an American Firehouse to me. After our early dinner we met up with Cedric and he took us to some cool, non-touristy bars in Paris. (You know you're going to a cool place when the street you walk down looks like this.) The two bars he took us to were more "rock and roll" bars. The second of the two (which was named from a famous Italian film I have never heard of and quickly forgot the title) was a very hip place. A tiny bar, filled with Russ Meyer movie posters and all sorts of early 60's pop/rock and roll items. Even a phone like this: It was the coolest place in Paris. At least, the coolest place I've been to.

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