Friday, November 13, 2009

French Meal

You know, I've been to Paris twice now and I realized the other day that I have never had a French Meal while in France. What a shame! I corrected that last night and had this: What is it? I dunno. Manu said it was something the people in the mountains would eat. It's a Bean and sausage stew. It was... interesting. I should have gone with something else, but oh well! At least I've done it.
Another funny French thing is the bicycle rentals they have around town. They call them (forgive my spelling) "Velieb". Last night we started a joke each time we saw a valieb - and we sang songs like "Don't stop Valiebin'..." and "If you Valieb in life after love..." Yeah. we're hilarious.
Across the street from the hotel I found this: A stroller tied to a bus stop. I'm wondering if someone just needed to run in really quick and didn't want to break the stroller down. It's like a bicycle for a baby, I guess. Weird.

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